Презентация Stage theory. Pros and cons онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Stage Theory Pros and Cons
Содержание слайда: Stage Theory: Pros and Cons There are several pros and several cons with stage theory in general. You should be aware of them, and know that while stage theory dominates the academic study of socialization, it has its critics. Also, more recent stage theorists have tried to improve the approach by addressing issues raised by its critics.

№2 слайд
Stage Theory Pros Provides
Содержание слайда: Stage Theory: Pros Provides guidelines for where people are supposed to be in their development, so those “on track” can be reassured of their “normality” Helps identify those who are behind in some aspect of development so they can be “caught up” Explains why groups of people who are of similar ages have things in common and behave in similar ways

№3 слайд
Stage Theory Pros Gives
Содержание слайда: Stage Theory: Pros Gives people an idea of what may happen in their future, and approximately when Enables social scientists to organize the vast amount of research on human development into an understandable and relatively concise format Provides, in effect, a rubric for human development

№4 слайд
Stage Theory Cons Stigmatizes
Содержание слайда: Stage Theory: Cons Stigmatizes people who don’t fit the norms, and may make them feel like failures Emphasizes age and ignores life experiences which could cause one to progress faster or slower through the stages Implies an abrupt shift from stage to stage, when the shift is, in most cases, gradual (later theorists have introduced transitional stages for most stage theories)

№5 слайд
Stage Theory Cons Most stage
Содержание слайда: Stage Theory: Cons Most stage theories are based on observation, which is unreliable (researchers may try to look harder for evidence that fits their theory) People might try to “force” success at a developmental task, at the expense of other important aspects of their lives Changing culture (earlier/longer adolescence, more college, later marriage, greater longevity) means the ages need to be updated frequently.

№6 слайд
Stage Theory Summary There
Содержание слайда: Stage Theory: Summary There are significant pros and cons to stage theory. It’s not the only approach one should take to human development and socialization (we will look at some non-stage theorists, too). Stage theory can serve as a general guide (like a rubric), but like a rubric, sometimes it must be adapted for unique situations.

№7 слайд
A Non-Stage Theorist Let s
Содержание слайда: A Non-Stage Theorist Let’s take a look at a theorist with a different approach (we already mentioned Maria Montessori, who believed children could develop faster cognitively, if “pushed”): Abraham Maslow didn’t mention age in his theory, or deal with people in groups. He said everyone’s behavior is based on his/her own unique life experiences.

№8 слайд
A Non-Stage Theorist Maslow s
Содержание слайда: A Non-Stage Theorist Maslow’s focus was adult socialization. He studied people old enough to pursue their own lives independently. Maslow claimed behavior is based on a “hierarchy of needs”. He said you first try to meet the most basic ones, then the more abstract ones, until you achieve “self-actualization”. You will get a handout that explains this further.

№9 слайд
Read and Discuss What does
Содержание слайда: Read and Discuss What does Maslow say are the most basic needs? What does a person search for once these basic needs are met? Which needs are considered by those lucky enough to have fulfilled physical, mental and emotional needs? What does “self-actualization” mean to you? Is this culturally biased? Is it accurate for everyone in our own culture? Why do you think it’s such a popular theory?

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