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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Systematization of grammar
Содержание слайда: Systematization of grammar: conversion of direct speech into indirect speech theme: Abnormalities in the number of teeth Made by: Tastimirova D 2-006stomatology

№2 слайд
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№9 слайд
Abnormalities in the number
Содержание слайда: Abnormalities in the number of teeth The absence of the teeth from the arch may be due to the non-eruption of fully calcified teeth; to non-evolution of the tooth germ; to the failure of the calcification processes in the dental follicle; to injury to the developing tooth germ from traumatism or infectious processes; to the accidental removal of the permanent tooth germ by the extraction of the deciduous tooth; to the transformation of the tooth germ into an odontoma.

№10 слайд
The influence of heredity in
Содержание слайда: The influence of heredity in these abnormalities of number is well shown in the case of the upper laterals, this tooth being sometimes absent through several generations, in one or several members of the same family. The absence of the complete dentition, both deciduous and permanent and of the permanent alone, is an extremely rare occurrence, nevertheless cases of this kind are on record in dental literature.

№11 слайд
The absence of deciduous
Содержание слайда: The absence of deciduous teeth is occasionally observed. The absence of teeth from the arch should be diagnosed invariably with the aid of carefully secured radiograms. Unquestionably, many cases of absence of teeth are cases of non-eruption or incarceration of fully calcified teeth, which remained within the substance of the jaws; in some cases this incarceration does not cause any apparent discomfort to the patient, while in others it produces reflex manifestations of varying degrees of intensity.

№12 слайд
Содержание слайда: THANK YOU!!!

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