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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
The basic concepts of the
Содержание слайда: The basic concepts of the language. Types of variables. Input. Class Math. Lesson 2

№2 слайд
Questions The structure of
Содержание слайда: Questions: The structure of the language. Data types. Console input. Class Math. Input and output from a file. Iteration (Looping) Statement while

№3 слайд
.The structure of the
Содержание слайда: 1.The structure of the language. The alphabet includes: letters and an underscore; numbers; special characters, e.g. +, *, {,]whitespace characters (space and tab character); the newline characters.

№4 слайд
Lexeme a minimal unit of
Содержание слайда: Lexeme – a minimal unit of language: Lexeme – a minimal unit of language: names (identifiers); key words; operation signs; dividers; literals (constants).

№5 слайд
The expression specifies how
Содержание слайда: The expression specifies how to compute a certain value (a+b). The expression specifies how to compute a certain value (a+b). The operator sets a complete description of some action, data, or program element. C=a + b;

№6 слайд
. . Identifiers The
Содержание слайда: 1.2. Identifiers The identifier can be letters, digits, and the underscore character. The first character letter or underscore. Uppercase and lowercase letters differ.

№7 слайд
Notation the agreement on the
Содержание слайда: Notation — the agreement on the rules to generate names.In the notation of Pascal each word constituting the identifier starts with a capital letter, for example, MaximumValue. Notation — the agreement on the rules to generate names.In the notation of Pascal each word constituting the identifier starts with a capital letter, for example, MaximumValue. Hungarian notation (it is suggested that the Hungarian nationality, the employee of Microsoft) differs from the previous presence of the prefix corresponding to the type value, for example, i_ValueCounter

№8 слайд
According to Camel notation,
Содержание слайда: According to Camel notation, with an uppercase letter begins each word constituting the identifier except the first, for example, maxline. According to Camel notation, with an uppercase letter begins each word constituting the identifier except the first, for example, maxline. Another tradition (4th notation) to separate words that compose the name, with an underscore: max_line., with all parts begin with a lowercase letter.

№9 слайд
In C for naming different
Содержание слайда: In C# for naming different types of software objects are often used two notations: Pascal and Camel. In C# for naming different types of software objects are often used two notations: Pascal and Camel. In C#, called classes, methods and constants in accordance with the notation of Pascal, and the local variables in accordance with the Camel notation.

№10 слайд
. .Key words. Keywords are
Содержание слайда: 1.3.Key words. Keywords are reserved identifiers that have special meanings to the compiler. (Tab.2.1.)

№11 слайд
. .Literals. Literals or
Содержание слайда: 1.5.Literals. Literals or constants are called immutable values. Constants can be Boolean, integer, real, character and string, and a null constant.

№12 слайд
Boolean true, false. Boolean
Содержание слайда: Boolean : true, false. Boolean : true, false. Integer constant: decimal or hexadecimal. Decimal: the sequence of decimal digits, which may be followed by a suffix ( U, u, L, l, UL, UL, ul, LU, Lu, lU, lu ) Examples: 76 , 123456, 45789L, 876ul

№13 слайд
Hexadecimal x or X, followed
Содержание слайда: Hexadecimal: 0x or 0X, followed by hexadecimal digits. Numbers may be followed by a suffix ( U, u, L, l, UL, UL, ul, LU, Lu, lU, lu ) Hexadecimal: 0x or 0X, followed by hexadecimal digits. Numbers may be followed by a suffix ( U, u, L, l, UL, UL, ul, LU, Lu, lU, lu ) Examples: 0x123, 0XADE43LU, 0x329L, 0x8765ABCLu

№14 слайд
Real literals are represented
Содержание слайда: Real literals are represented only in decimal, but in two forms: fixed point and with the order . To clarify the allocated memory used suffixes: (F, f, D, d, M, m). Real literals are represented only in decimal, but in two forms: fixed point and with the order . To clarify the allocated memory used suffixes: (F, f, D, d, M, m). Fixed point – a part separated from the decimal point. 65.43, 87.9

№15 слайд
A real constant with the
Содержание слайда: A real constant with the procedure is represented as a mantissa and order. The mantissa is written to the left of the exponent sign (E or e), the order on the right. The constant value is defined as the product of a mantissa and raised to the specified in the order a power of 10. Examples: 5.43e4 = 5,43 * 104 A real constant with the procedure is represented as a mantissa and order. The mantissa is written to the left of the exponent sign (E or e), the order on the right. The constant value is defined as the product of a mantissa and raised to the specified in the order a power of 10. Examples: 5.43e4 = 5,43 * 104

№16 слайд
When the compiler recognizes
Содержание слайда: When the compiler recognizes a constant, it assigns her a place in memory according to its type and value. If you want to explicitly specify how much memory should I allocate to constant, use the suffixes given in tab. 2.3. When the compiler recognizes a constant, it assigns her a place in memory according to its type and value. If you want to explicitly specify how much memory should I allocate to constant, use the suffixes given in tab. 2.3.

№17 слайд
Character character in
Содержание слайда: Character – character in Unicode, enclosed in apostrophes.The character constant is written in one of four forms (tab.2.2.): Character – character in Unicode, enclosed in apostrophes.The character constant is written in one of four forms (tab.2.2.): 1.The usual symbol having a graphical representation (except for the apostrophe and newline), ‘A’, ‘n’ ; 2.Sequence (tab. 2.4) is a specific character preceded by a backslash. ( \t , \n).

№18 слайд
Sequence is interpreted as a
Содержание слайда: Sequence is interpreted as a single character and is used to represent: Sequence is interpreted as a single character and is used to represent: Codes not having a graphical image (e.g., transition to beginning of next line \n); Characters that have a special meaning in string and character literals, such as the apostrophe \’ , double quote \”.

№19 слайд
String constant sequence of
Содержание слайда: String constant – sequence of characters enclosed in quotation marks.Escape sequences can be used in string literals. Literal literal begins with the character@. It is advisable to use especially when setting the full file path. String constant – sequence of characters enclosed in quotation marks.Escape sequences can be used in string literals. Literal literal begins with the character@. It is advisable to use especially when setting the full file path. Example. To set the path to the file with and without using the verbatim literal: @“C:\student\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Help” “C:\\student\\Program Files\\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\\Help”

№20 слайд
.Data types. The data on
Содержание слайда: 2.Data types. The data on which the program is stored in RAM. The compiler needs to know how much space they occupy, how it is encoded, and what actions they can perform. The data type uniquely identifies: internal data representation, and consequently many of their possible values; possible actions on the data.

№21 слайд
Each expression in the
Содержание слайда: Each expression in the program has a type. Variables have no type exists. The compiler uses type information while the validation described in the programme of action. Each expression in the program has a type. Variables have no type exists. The compiler uses type information while the validation described in the programme of action.

№22 слайд
A memory in which are stored
Содержание слайда: A memory in which are stored data during program execution and are divided into two region: the stack and the dynamic area (heap, managed heap). A memory in which are stored data during program execution and are divided into two region: the stack and the dynamic area (heap, managed heap). The stack is used to store values, provided by the compiler, and dynamic memory is reserved and released during program execution. The main place to store data in C# is hip.

№23 слайд
Classification of data types
Содержание слайда: Classification of data types: Types can be classified according to various criteria. In the classification according to the structure of element types can be simple (have no internal structure) and structured (composed of elements of other types). According to its Creator types are divided into built-in and programmer-defined;

№24 слайд
At the time of memory
Содержание слайда: At the time of memory allocation types are divided into static (the volume is known, the memory is allocated at Declaration time) and dynamic (in the time of the announcement the memory is not known, stands out on request during execution of the program). At the time of memory allocation types are divided into static (the volume is known, the memory is allocated at Declaration time) and dynamic (in the time of the announcement the memory is not known, stands out on request during execution of the program).

№25 слайд
Built-in types Do not require
Содержание слайда: Built-in types Do not require prior definition. Tab.2.5.Correspond to the standard class library .NET certain the System namespace.Integer types, as well as the symbolic, physical and financial can be grouped under the name of arithmetic types.

№26 слайд
The internal representation
Содержание слайда: The internal representation of a value of integer type is an integer in binary code. In the iconic types of the MSB of the number is interpreted as the sign (0 is positive, 1 – negative). Negative numbers are represented in so-called supplementary code. The internal representation of a value of integer type is an integer in binary code. In the iconic types of the MSB of the number is interpreted as the sign (0 is positive, 1 – negative). Negative numbers are represented in so-called supplementary code.

№27 слайд
The internal representation
Содержание слайда: The internal representation of real numbers consists of two parts – mantissa and order, each piece has a sign. The internal representation of real numbers consists of two parts – mantissa and order, each piece has a sign. The length of the significand determines the precision of the number, and the length of his order - range. All material types can represent both positive and negative numbers. Most often, the program uses type double.

№28 слайд
The decimal type is intended
Содержание слайда: The decimal type is intended for monetary calculations are critical rounding errors. As can be seen from table 2.5 the float type allows you to store 7 significant decimal digits, double is 15-16. The decimal type is intended for monetary calculations are critical rounding errors. As can be seen from table 2.5 the float type allows you to store 7 significant decimal digits, double is 15-16. When calculating round-off errors accumulate !!! The value of the decimal enables you to store 28-29 decimal places. They have their own internal representation, they cannot be used in the same expression with the material without explicit type conversion. The use of financial variables type in the same expression with integer allowed

№29 слайд
The types of literals. If the
Содержание слайда: The types of literals. If the value of the integer literal is within the range of valid values of type int, the literal is treated as int, otherwise it belongs to the smallest of the types uint, long, ulong in the range of values of which he is part. Floating point literals default to type double .

№30 слайд
Examples. Examples. - int
Содержание слайда: Examples. Examples. 10 - int; 2147483648 – uint 2.6 – double To explicitly set the type of the literal is the suffix. (tab.2.3). Explicit assignment is used to reduce the number of implicit type conversions by the compiler.

№31 слайд
Packing and unpacking.
Содержание слайда: Packing and unpacking. Conversion from type value to a reference type is called Boxing (boxing), inverse - unpacking. If the value of meaningful use in the place where you want a reference type, automatically creating the intermediate values of a reference type creates a reference in the hip is allocated the appropriate amount of memory and is copied back value, i.e. the value of the like is Packed into the object.

№32 слайд
. Console input To input
Содержание слайда: 3. Console input To input variable string from console we are to use operator. Examples. string s; s=Console.ReadLine(); double weight _first_package; weight _first_package= Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

№33 слайд
int variableFirst int
Содержание слайда: int variableFirst; int variableFirst; variableFirst= Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

№34 слайд
After you enter a value
Содержание слайда: After you enter a value variable must make a control output Console.WriteLine(" Enter the value of the variable variableFirst "); variableFirst = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(" The value entered to a variable variableFirst =" + variableFirst);  

№35 слайд
.Class Math. page In terms
Содержание слайда: 4.Class Math. (page 65) In terms often used mathematical functions such as sine or exponentiation. They are implemented in the Math class, defined in the space System. Using the methods in this class can calculate: trigonometric functions: Sin, Cos, Tan; inverse trigonometric functions: ASin, ACos, ATan, ATan2;

№36 слайд
hyperbolic functions Tanh,
Содержание слайда: hyperbolic functions: Tanh, Sinh, Cosh; hyperbolic functions: Tanh, Sinh, Cosh; exponent and logarithm functions: Exp, Log, LoglO; modulus (absolute value), square root, sign, Abs, Sqrt, Sign; rounding: Ceiling, Floor, Round; minimum, maximum: Mi n, Max; degree of balance: Pow, IEEEReminder; complete product of two integer values: BigMul; division and modulo: DivRem.

№37 слайд
.Input and output from a file
Содержание слайда: 5.Input and output from a file To enter information from a file, you must: 1.Add the namespace System.IO; 2.Create object of StreamReader class to enter information from a file. As a parameter when you create, you specify the path to the file. 3.To create an object of StreamWriter class to output information to a file. As a parameter when you create, you specify the path to the file. 4.To apply to these objects the methods ReadLine() and WriteLine (), respectively. 5.When you are finished with the objects of the StreamReader and StreamWriter to apply to them the Close () method.

№38 слайд
Specify the path to the file
Содержание слайда: Specify the path to the file StreamReader f_чтение = new StreamReader("input.txt"); // First option of the operator when the file input.txt is in the folder project/bin/debug   StreamReader f_чтение = new StreamReader("../../input.txt"); //Second option operator, when the file input.txt located in the folder of the project.

№39 слайд
StreamReader f чтение new
Содержание слайда: StreamReader f_чтение = new StreamReader(@"D:\input.txt”); //Third option operator, when the file input.txt located in an arbitrary folder.. StreamReader f_чтение = new StreamReader(@"D:\input.txt”); //Third option operator, when the file input.txt located in an arbitrary folder..

№40 слайд
Iteration Looping Statement
Содержание слайда: Iteration (Looping) Statement while There are many situations in which you will want to do the same thing again and again, perhaps slightly changing a value each time you repeat the action. This is called iteration or looping. Typically, you'll iterate (or loop) over a set of items, taking the same action on each.

№41 слайд
The semantics of the while
Содержание слайда: The semantics of the while loop are "while this condition is true, do this work." The syntax is: The semantics of the while loop are "while this condition is true, do this work." The syntax is: while (boolean expression) statement As usual, a Boolean expression is any statement that evaluates to true or false. The statement executed within a while statement can of course be a block of statements within braces.

№42 слайд
Example int counterVariable
Содержание слайда: Example int counterVariable = 0; // while the counter variable is less than 10 // print out its value while (counterVariable < 10) { Console.WriteLine("counterVariable: {0}",counterVariable); counterVariable++; }

№43 слайд
Tasks Task . To calculate the
Содержание слайда: Tasks Task 1. To calculate the value functions: in the range of the argument from a1 to a2 increments a3. These values are entered from the console. The result of the calculation is displayed on the console and to a file.

№44 слайд
Task . Task . To calculate
Содержание слайда: Task 2. Task 2. To calculate the value functions: in the range of the argument from a1 to a2 increments a3. These values are entered from the file. The result of the calculation is displayed on the console and to a file.

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