Презентация Line differential protection 7SD52x / 7SD610. Siemens онлайн

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Презентации » Технология » Line differential protection 7SD52x / 7SD610. Siemens

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Line Differential Protection
Содержание слайда: Line Differential Protection 7SD52x / 7SD610 Presentation

№2 слайд
Line differential relays L-
Содержание слайда: Line differential relays 87L- SIPROTEC 4

№3 слайд
Customer Benefits
Содержание слайда: Customer Benefits

№4 слайд
Hardware options
Содержание слайда: Hardware options

№5 слайд
Protection and communication
Содержание слайда: Protection and communication join together Three benefits of 87L-SIPROTEC

№6 слайд
Main protection function
Содержание слайда: Main protection function 87: Features of the differential function

№7 слайд
Additional functions in the
Содержание слайда: Additional functions in the relay

№8 слайд
Communication features
Содержание слайда: Communication features

№9 слайд
IDiff gt Vector comparison
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Vector comparison

№10 слайд
IDiff gt Vector comparison
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Vector comparison with Advanced Fourier filters (Basic principle)

№11 слайд
IDiff gt Theory of the
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Theory of the classical differential tripping characteristic

№12 слайд
IDiff gt Settings for the CT
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Settings for the “CT – parameters” (1 of 2)

№13 слайд
IDiff gt Settings for the CT
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Settings for the “CT – parameters” (2 of 2)

№14 слайд
IDiff gt Approximation of the
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Approximation of the CT- error

№15 слайд
IDiff gt Example for a
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Example for a setting at nominal current

№16 слайд
IDiff gt Adaptive
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Adaptive differential relaying Restraint current with consideration of the CT- errors

№17 слайд
IDiff gt New differential
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: New differential method compared with a classical differential characteristic

№18 слайд
IDiff gt Example Adaptive
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Example 1: Adaptive (self-) restraining

№19 слайд
IDiff gt CT- saturation
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: CT- saturation detector based on harmonic analysis of the current wave form - Signal analysis

№20 слайд
IDiff gt Adaptive
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Adaptive differential relaying Consideration of nonlinear CT- errors due to saturation

№21 слайд
IDiff gt Test max.
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Test: max. asymmetrical offset , Ct saturation

№22 слайд
IDiff gt Adaptive
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Adaptive consideration of a permanent time difference in transmit- and receive direction

№23 слайд
IDiff gt Adaptive
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Adaptive consideration of a permanent time difference. Total “Restraint Current”

№24 слайд
IDiff gt Sliding data windows
Содержание слайда: IDiff>: Sliding data windows after fault inception

№25 слайд
IDiff gt gt QDiff Fast
Содержание слайда: IDiff>> (QDiff) : Fast current comparison

№26 слайд
IDiff gt gt QDiff Fast
Содержание слайда: IDiff>> (QDiff) : Fast current comparison algorithm (Basic principle)

№27 слайд
CT- requirements, mismatch of
Содержание слайда: CT- requirements, mismatch of the primary CT currents

№28 слайд
Application - Transformer and
Содержание слайда: Application - Transformer and line/cable in the protection zone

№29 слайд
Examples for different
Содержание слайда: Examples for different Topologies

№30 слайд
Relay to Relay Communication
Содержание слайда: Relay to Relay Communication Designed for the use of Digital Communication Networks and FO 1)

№31 слайд
Relay to Relay Communication
Содержание слайда: Relay to Relay Communication (Overview)

№32 слайд
Relay to Relay Communication
Содержание слайда: Relay to Relay Communication - Communication modules, Protection Interface (PI)

№33 слайд
Relay to Relay Communication
Содержание слайда: Relay to Relay Communication - Communication converter

№34 слайд
Relay to Relay Communication
Содержание слайда: Relay to Relay Communication - Application: Fibre optic connection

№35 слайд
Relay to Relay Communication
Содержание слайда: Relay to Relay Communication - Application: Digital communication network

№36 слайд
Relay to Relay Communication
Содержание слайда: Relay to Relay Communication - Application: ISDN network

№37 слайд
Relay to Relay Communication
Содержание слайда: Relay to Relay Communication - Application: Leased telephone line or Pilot wire (1 of 2)

№38 слайд
Relay to Relay Communication
Содержание слайда: Relay to Relay Communication - Application: Leased telephone line or Pilot wire (2 of 2)

№39 слайд
Relay to Relay Communication
Содержание слайда: Relay to Relay Communication - Application for a three terminal configuration with 7SD523

№40 слайд
Relay to Relay Communication
Содержание слайда: Relay to Relay Communication - Ring- and Chain topology, loss of one data connection tolerated

№41 слайд
Relay to Relay Communication
Содержание слайда: Relay to Relay Communication - Hot- Standby connection in a two terminal configuration

№42 слайд
Commissioning and operating
Содержание слайда: Commissioning and operating aids (1 of 5)

№43 слайд
Commissioning and operating
Содержание слайда: Commissioning and operating aids (2 of 5)

№44 слайд
Commissioning and operating
Содержание слайда: Commissioning and operating aids (3 of 5)

№45 слайд
Commissioning and operating
Содержание слайда: Commissioning and operating aids (4 of 5)

№46 слайд
Commissioning and operating
Содержание слайда: Commissioning and operating aids (5 of 5)

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