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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
How to Save the Environment
Содержание слайда: How to Save the Environment (for Teens)

№2 слайд
Cleaning up the existing
Содержание слайда: Cleaning up the existing damage to our environment and preventing further destruction is a huge job. It can seem like there is no way one person, especially a young person, can make a difference. But you can make a difference, starting with changing some simple everyday habits and working with others to spread the word about the importance of protecting the environment. This is the world of not just your present but your future, so you’re never too young to take action and make a positive difference!

№3 слайд
Method Changing Daily Routines
Содержание слайда: Method 1 Changing Daily Routines

№4 слайд
. Take shorter showers
Содержание слайда: 1. Take shorter showers

№5 слайд
Yes, everyone wants to look
Содержание слайда: Yes, everyone wants to look (and smell) his/her best for that special someone or secret crush, but how many rinses and repeats do you really need? A dripping faucet can waste 3,000 gallons a year, about the same amount you can save by halving your daily shower time. That's no drop in the bucket! It can seem like water is cheap and abundant, but access to clean water is an issue for billions of people around the world. Increasing demand for water also affects rivers and lakes (and what lives there) by reducing levels, changing water flow with dams and reservoirs, and introducing chemicals and waste products.

№6 слайд
.Turn the lights off
Содержание слайда: 2.Turn the lights off

№7 слайд
You might not pay the
Содержание слайда: You might not pay the electric bill, but you know that the lamp (or TV, stereo, or laptop) costs money to operate. That money pays for the power plants that produce that electricity and usually release pollutants into the environment in the process. Ask your family to set the furnace temperature lower and the air conditioner higher. Sweaters, open windows and fans will work just fine most days. Unplug appliances that are not being regularly used. Many electronic devices still draw power even when turned off, sometime known as “vampire” energy drain. Many states now allow residents to choose their energy supplier. Talk to your family about choosing a supplier that produces electricity with less pollution, via solar, wind, and other options.

№8 слайд
. Ride your bike or walk
Содержание слайда: 3. Ride your bike or walk instead of driving (or being driven)

№9 слайд
Yes, every teen looks forward
Содержание слайда: Yes, every teen looks forward to a driver’s license and a first car, but automobiles are one of the primary causes of air pollution. When pedal power won’t cut it, take the bus or carpool. It might not seem as cool as driving yourself, but it is much more fuel efficient.

№10 слайд
.Eat less meat
Содержание слайда: 4.Eat less meat

№11 слайд
The animals that gave their
Содержание слайда: The animals that gave their all to become your hamburger or chicken quesadilla require significantly more space, energy, and five times more water than the stars of a meatless dish. You don’t necessarily have to become vegetarian just for this reason, but eating less meat will probably do your body good while it helps the planet anyway.

№12 слайд
Method Using Less, Reusing
Содержание слайда: Method 2 Using Less, Reusing More

№13 слайд
.Buy eco-friendly products
Содержание слайда: 1.Buy eco-friendly products

№14 слайд
Seek out products that do not
Содержание слайда: Seek out products that do not test on animals and do not contain chemicals that require big CAUTION or WARNING notices on the label. There are increasing numbers of products called “natural” or “organic” available, but it never hurts to look at the labels. Choose products without excess packaging. It was annoying enough when you had to wait for your Dad to dig out your new action figure from that plastic blister packaging; think about the excessive waste such over-packaging creates. Buy local products when available. Maybe your area has a little candle-making factory or engraver where you can pick up a nice Mother’s Day gift. Not only will you be helping your local economy, you will be saving the energy usage and pollution required to ship goods long distances.

№15 слайд
.Carry a tote bag and
Содержание слайда: 2.Carry a tote bag and reusable water bottle

№16 слайд
They don t take up much space
Содержание слайда: They don’t take up much space but can prevent a lot of waste. Ever notice how plastic bags seem to always end up stuck in trees or on grassy hillsides, or seen news reports about the giant swirls of plastic junk floating in the middle of the oceans? Every plastic bottle not made and plastic bag not used helps a little bit.

№17 слайд
.Donate old clothes, toys,
Содержание слайда: 3.Donate old clothes, toys, electronics, etc.

№18 слайд
Just because you don t want
Содержание слайда: Just because you don’t want them anymore doesn’t mean someone else wouldn’t be happy to have them. People always seem to assume that all teens need to have the newest everything and discard perfectly good things that are no longer “cool” enough. Prove them wrong. Buy used and vintage items as well. Freak out your parents by buying a shirt from their high school days and declaring it “so retro.”

№19 слайд
.Get creative before throwing
Содержание слайда: 4.Get creative before throwing things out

№20 слайд
Can you use some parts from
Содержание слайда: Can you use some parts from your broken-down old bike for your science fair project? Or use your (or, okay, maybe your parents’) old CDs to make a collage or mobile for art class?

№21 слайд
. Recycle everything you can
Содержание слайда: 5. Recycle everything you can

№22 слайд
If your municipality has a
Содержание слайда: If your municipality has a recycling program, make sure your family uses it. Does your school make recycling convenient? If not, isn’t that something that student councils are for? Help turn recycling into a habit for everyone.

№23 слайд
Method . Making Yourself Heard
Содержание слайда: Method 3. Making Yourself Heard

№24 слайд
.Raise awareness
Содержание слайда: 1.Raise awareness

№25 слайд
Talk to family and friends
Содержание слайда: Talk to family and friends about simple changes they can make, and why they should do so to help protect the environment. You don’t have to lecture or preach (but if that’s what works with your family, go for it); show them that you have thought a lot about the subject, are passionate about making a difference, and really could use their support. Take advantage of all the new social media technologies that your parents can't keep up with. It's easier now than ever before to connect with people all over the world. Find out how environmental destruction impacts all of us everywhere, and discuss ways to stop it. You might want to mention the notion of “sustainable happiness,” which focuses in part on how interconnected we all truly are. You parents will know how serious you are if they realize you’ve done research!

№26 слайд
.Join an environmental group
Содержание слайда: 2.Join an environmental group

№27 слайд
There are numerous national
Содержание слайда: There are numerous national organizations dedicated to protecting endangered species, cutting greenhouse gas emissions, preserving clean water supplies, and so on. But there are also probably local environmental groups doing things like planting native trees or setting up hard-to-recycle pickups in your own neighborhood. Is there an environmental club at your school? If not, round up some buddies who know the importance of the issue and start one. You can do some good and make your college applications look a little better at the same time.

№28 слайд
.Contact your elected
Содержание слайда: 3.Contact your elected officials

№29 слайд
No, you probably can t vote
Содержание слайда: No, you probably can’t vote for them yet, but most of them want to remain in office long after you’ve turned 18. And they want your parents’ votes right now anyway. Depending on their respective offices, ask them to support legislation to reduce carbon emissions or protect endangered species, or to back local measures like curbside recycling or plastic shopping bag fees. Get in the habit of demanding action from your representatives when you are young and it will be easier to do so when you’re older.

№30 слайд
. Don t be afraid to lead.
Содержание слайда: 4. Don’t be afraid to lead. Regardless of what some adults may think, teens can have great ideas too. When you have one, put your youthful energy to good use. Your idea might be as straightforward as a neighborhood clean-up day, but go for it. Pass out flyers. Ask local businesses to donate supplies or refreshments. Round up your buddy’s garage band and turn it into a block party at the end of the day. Teens like you have helped pass legislation banning electronic waste from landfills, and created organizations that help schools run environmentally-friendly proms. Surely they had people tell them they were too young to make a difference. But the earth’s future is your future. So don’t be so quick to accept “can’t” or take “no” as an answer.

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