Презентация Moscow Digital Herbarium and the National Depository Bank of Live Systems Initiative (Russia) онлайн

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Moscow Digital Herbarium and
Содержание слайда: Moscow Digital Herbarium and the National Depository Bank of Live Systems Initiative (Russia) Dr Sci Alexey P. Seregin Lomonosov Moscow State University

№2 слайд
Moscow University Herbarium
Содержание слайда: Moscow University Herbarium (MW) Founded ca. 1780 The second largest herbarium in Russia Six staff members (science & technical) Part of the National Depository Bank of Live Systems initiative (launched by the Moscow University) No international loans due to custom regulations

№3 слайд
Specimen Total , , specimens
Содержание слайда: Specimen Total 1,011,253 specimens (as of Nov 2016) including: 924,167 vascular plants 77,086 bryophytes ca. 10,000 lichens Statistics update is available once a year.

№4 слайд
Specimen Ranking th in the
Содержание слайда: Specimen Ranking 61th in the world 24th among university herbaria 2nd in Russia (after Komarov Institute)

№5 слайд
Collection Growth Mean annual
Содержание слайда: Collection Growth Mean annual increase in 2005-2016 was 15,100 specimens In 2016, we added 22,013 specimens (expeditions, old collections, gifts, exchange, etc.)

№6 слайд
Taxonomic Outline , species
Содержание слайда: Taxonomic Outline 39,323 species (excl. historic collections) including: 37,100 vascular plants 2,223 bryophytes Types of ca. 3,000 taxa are curated separately (4,620 specimens).

№7 слайд
Plant Taxonomy in the Moscow
Содержание слайда: Plant Taxonomy in the Moscow University 60 new species of vascular plants were described by the Moscow University staff members in 2012-2016: Apiaceae: 15 species (M. Pimenov, E. Kljuykov, D. Lyskov et al.) Amaranthaceae s. l.: 11 species (A. Sukhorukov) Asparagaceae: 10 species (N. Vislobokov et al.) Amaryllidaceae s. l.: 9 species (A. Seregin) Apocynaceae: 2 species (Y. Alexeev) Cucurbitaceae: 2 species (M. Nuraliev) Polygonaceae: 2 species (O. Yurtseva) Thismiaceae: 2 species (M. Nuraliev) Molluginaceae: 2 species (A. Sukhorukov) Asteraceae, Centrolepidaceae, Lophiocarpaceae, Orchidaceae, Triuridaceae: 1 species

№8 слайд
Geographical Scope Vascular
Содержание слайда: Geographical Scope: Vascular Plants

№9 слайд
Moscow University Project
Содержание слайда: Moscow University Project Moscow University have received 750,000,000 RUR (ca. 10,910,000 Euro) for foundation of the National Depository Bank of Live Systems from Russian Science Foundation. 4-year project (2015-2018). Five branches: 1) Plants; 2) Animals; 3) Fungi & Microbes; 4) Human Material; 5) Bioinformatics.

№10 слайд
Moscow University Project
Содержание слайда: Moscow University Project: Plants 125,000,000 RUR (ca. 1,820,000 Euro) for plant studies (collections, new labs, expeditions, extra salary, etc.) in 2015-2018. The largest grant in the history of Russian botany. 24% for the Moscow University Herbarium (MW) for digitisation, databasing and management.

№11 слайд
Digitisation as a World Trend
Содержание слайда: Digitisation as a World Trend

№12 слайд
Equipment or Services?
Содержание слайда: Equipment or Services?

№13 слайд
Herbarium Budget in -
Содержание слайда: Herbarium Budget in 2015-2016 Contract with a commercial partner: 11,850,000 RUR (ca. 172,360 Euro) for digitisation of 786K specimens (or 15.08 RUR per specimen)

№14 слайд
Extra Funding in -
Содержание слайда: Extra Funding in 2015-2016 Development of the web portal: 2,500,000 RUR (ca. 36,400 Euro) Additional herbarium facilities (cupboards): 4,800,000 RUR (ca. 69,800 Euro) for the additional space to preserve ca. 192K new specimens

№15 слайд
Digitisation Imaging as the
Содержание слайда: Digitisation: Imaging as the First Step Only imaging at 300 dpi TIFF (JPG copy) Basic metadata from folders (ID, species name, area code) No label data Free full online access

№16 слайд
Area Codes from Folders
Содержание слайда: Area Codes from Folders

№17 слайд
Metadata Production
Содержание слайда: Metadata Production

№18 слайд
Barcodes as an Accurate
Содержание слайда: Barcodes as an Accurate Counter Eastern European collections: 338,940 specimens before barcoding 352,720 specimens after barcoding 13,780 increase (+4.07%)

№19 слайд
Metadata Example
Содержание слайда: Metadata Example

№20 слайд
Current Digitisation Rate ,
Содержание слайда: Current Digitisation Rate 785,844 specimens (77.7%) are scanned and available online including: 708,209 specimens of vascular plants (300 dpi) 4,632 type specimens of vascular plants (600 dpi) 72,997 labels of bryophytes

№21 слайд
Digital Collections Ranking
Содержание слайда: Digital Collections Ranking

№22 слайд
Current Digitisation Coverage
Содержание слайда: Current Digitisation Coverage

№23 слайд
Digitisation Quick Geotagging
Содержание слайда: Digitisation: Quick Geotagging Country names were used as geotags 756K specimens were geotagged using existing country names from folders 30K specimens were geotagged manually in 2017

№24 слайд
Asian Resources K Specimens
Содержание слайда: Asian Resources: 301K Specimens Russia 157,200 specimens Middle Asian countries 94,100 Mongolia 27,300 PR of China 3,940 Vietnam 3,880 Turkey 2,440 India 1,680 Japan 1,620

№25 слайд
Online Access http
Содержание слайда: Online Access http://plant.depo.msu.ru/ (public access) Russian / English versions 786K specimens at 300 dpi (JPG) Automatic linking of the collection names with Catalogue of Life taxonomy No label data at the moment No geographical coordinates

№26 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№27 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№28 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№29 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№30 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№31 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№32 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№33 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№34 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№35 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№36 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№37 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№38 слайд
https plant.depo.msu.ru
Содержание слайда: https://plant.depo.msu.ru/

№39 слайд
Digitisation Label Capturing
Содержание слайда: Digitisation: Label Capturing as the Second Step 45,000 labels will be databased in 2017: Caucasus and the Crimea Contract with highly trained commercial partner Single-label specimens only Original label language (no translation) 24 RUR (0.4 USD) per label

№40 слайд
Digitisation Georeferencing
Содержание слайда: Digitisation: Georeferencing as the Third Step 3,000 specimens were georeferenced in 2017 A single highly-trained freelancer N, E coordinates 10 RUR (0.18 USD) per specimen Gazetteer with standard localities as a result

№41 слайд
PR and Promotion Four
Содержание слайда: PR and Promotion Four appearances on federal TV Dozens of communications in news on web portals Digital Herbarium blog on vk.com Russian vernacular names (14K) used for indexing

№42 слайд
MW Herbarium by the End of ,
Содержание слайда: MW Herbarium by the End of 2018 1,050,000 physical specimens (60th in the world) integration of few lesser collections (negotiations are in progress) 930,000 specimens will be imaged (89%) 250,000 specimens will be databased (24%) 10,000 specimens will be georeferenced (1%)

№43 слайд
Thank you for being with me
Содержание слайда: Thank you for being with me today! Dr Sci Alexey P. Seregin botanik.seregin@gmail.com

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