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№1 слайд
Содержание слайда: INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY Modern HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN lecture #05: Formation of the Soviet totalitarian regime in Kazakhstan: character, actions and consequences Zulfiya Abdikhalikovna Meldibekova historian scientist

№2 слайд
The brief content of the
Содержание слайда: The brief content of the lecture Policy of Soviet power : - in economy: NEP, industrialization, collectivization -in political life: creation of totalitarian regime -in social life: propaganda of socialism and communism

№3 слайд
New economic policy The I WW,
Содержание слайда: New economic policy The I WW, National-liberation movement in 1916, revolutions 1917, civil war brought economic chaos and destruction. Society needed in new methods of management. March 8-16, 1921 - X Congress of RCP (b) with decision about transferring from the policy of “military communism” to New Economic Policy because Soviet and party organs acted by violent methods to collect bread, meat, agricultural raw. Aul population upraised in Semipalatinsk, Kustanai, Akmolinsk, Petropavlovsk, Kokchetav uezds. 1921-1922 - Land-water reform were returned Kazakh lands, which were seized for Siberian, Uralsk Cossacks troops in Cisirtysh and left side of Ural, Semirechye and Southern Kazakhstan. More than 1 mln 385 th. des. received peasants. 1921 - formation of “Koshchi” union which took part in realization of land reform.

№4 слайд
Policy of Small October - -
Содержание слайда: Policy of “Small October” 1925-1933 - F.Goloschekin . the leader of the Kazakh Revolutionary Committee – Kazkraikom Policy of “Small October”- one of the ways of industrialization and collectivization in Kazakhstan. “Kazakhstan should been develop as raw material region”, the extractive industry were primarily developed. The industrialization of Kazakhstan was realized by commanding, administrative methods with absolute subordination to the center. The Decree of the 27th of August 1928 “About the confiscation and expulsion of the largest bays and semi-feudal auls and their private properties” gave the right for the Soviet authorities to send wealthy Kazakh people to exiles. 657 rich Kazakh bays were sent to exile. 145 thousand numbers of their herds were taken them by cruel means in order to set the first collective farms in Kazakhstan.

№5 слайд
Industrialization and
Содержание слайда: Industrialization and collectivization in Kazakhstan Construction of socialism in Kazakh SSR included:   Industrialization The ways of building of socialism collectivization “Cultural revolution” 1925 – XIV Congress of USP (b) direction to industrialization The main aim of industrialization: to make Kazakhstan on a shot space of time highly developed country instead of agrarian one. It meant development of hard industry, car industry; restoration and construction of new mines, undertakings of all branches of industry, based on the local raw materials, building of new railroads and technical communications for economy. There was needed formation of working class, skilled workers and trained specialists.

№6 слайд
Positive Results and
Содержание слайда: Positive Results and difficulties Kazakhstan occupied 7th place in USSR in gross output of industry; 6th place – output of electricity; 3rd- mining of coal; 3rd- mining of oil; 1st- production of lead; Kazakhstan became the main productivity of non-ferrous metals; Output of nickel, tin, wolfram. Difficulties : economic backwardness of Kazakhstan; remains of patriarchal-feudal relations; difficult access of raw materials; absence of infrastructure; deficit of skilled workers

№7 слайд
Positive aspects One of the
Содержание слайда: Positive aspects: One of the most important objects of industrialization Tukksib-Trans Siberian rail road joined Siberia with the Central Asia. This construction made people much closer to each other. The other objects were: -the Chimkent lead plant, the Balkhash brass works, Ashisai polymetallurgy, Ghezkazgan, Ust-Kamenogorsk and others. -The chemical industry was developed in Chimkent, the oil mining – in Emba, the produce of electricity started in Karaganda, the food industry – in Almaty and Semipalatinsk and etc. Ural-Siberia-Kazakhstan occupied leading position in industry of cooper, zinc, lead and others strategically materials. Oil’s Emba was part of oils base – “Second Baku” between Volga and Ural. Soon the policy of industrialization brought effects: - by the year of 1939 Kazakhstan became industrial republic with its share of 58,9%. -The fast process of urbanization took place in Kazakhstan’s Steppe: by the year of 1939 were established 88 industrial cities and the share of their population had been increased to 27,7%. -There was formed the working class of Kazakhstan: the number of them increased to 33,8%.

№8 слайд
Negative aspects the huge
Содержание слайда: Negative aspects: the huge sums of money were spent into industrialization while the agrarian section was lack of these resources. the industry of Kazakhstan was oriented to serve the needs of the Russian enterprises (like old colonial way). instead of building of local reprocesses it used to sent its raw materials to the Russian plants. The Balkhash brass works (kombinat) provided 150 plants of Russia and Ukraine by brass and cooper. there were not developed the most modern branches of industry like heavy-machine-building, electronics, cars, etc.; were developed branches of mining and chemical industries; rare metal, oil, coal, phosphorus free pumped out ( выкачивать). Oppositionist S. Sadvakasov said “Kazakhstan was and remained colonial status. the migration process also was increased from Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia and other parts of the USSR, that brought the reduction of the native population: after the starvation of the 20-ties and 30-ties the Kazakhs number had been reduced to 38%. In result of growth of temps industrial building showed deficit of working power. 559 thousand people were interred: there were Komsomolsy, special settlers (migrated Kulaks- раскулаченные) One of difficulties of industrialization with restoration of command-bureaucratic methods of ruling and substitution of people power by personality dictatorship.

№9 слайд
collectivization The course
Содержание слайда: collectivization The course to the mass collectivization was determined by the XV Congress of the All-Union CP(b) (December,1927). The task of the realizing of the “transition of individual peasant farms to the way of the large production” was put. According to the perspective plan, 5144 collective farms were organized in Kazakhstan to the 1 of October 1929. They consisted of 92 th. peasant farms or 7.2 of their total number. On the initiative of F.Goloshchekin, the collectivization in Kazakhstan was revised in that way, that by autumn 1930 not less than 350 th. farms, or 80% of their total number in the grain zones “will have been involved by collective farms”. Kazkraicom took instruction to “collectivize” the cattle as a whole, and agricultural implements. In 1930 - 87136 farms were settled, in 1933 – 242208.

№10 слайд
Negative aspects violence and
Содержание слайда: Negative aspects: violence and terror – the main forms of collectivization It was formed not taking into account the local conditions, type of the economy, the necessary preliminary preparation. forced settling of the nomadic and semi-nomadic farms (collectivization was added by) for the settling were absent the industrial base, dwellings, the necessary supplies, the cultural-social objects On August 27, 1928 CEK and SPC adopted decree “About confiscation and eviction of bais and semifeudals” According this document in 1930-1931 only inside of Kazakhstan -about 32 thousand people were dispossessed as kulaks. -5500 families were moved out of Kazakhstan. In the same years Kazakhstan became the place of the “deportation of kulaks”. 44164 families or about 200 thousand people were settled in a new place, in 1932-1933 the number of the deported kulaks was increased.

№11 слайд
Negative aspects
Содержание слайда: Negative aspects: collectivization brought the dramatic effects upon the traditional lifestyles of the Kazakh nation by the forcible means of setting; the downfall of harvest brought “Great starvation” in 1932-1933: 2,1 mln people died (from 6,2 mln people); the number of cattle reduced to 4,5 mln and the territory of pastures also were cut down; about 1 mln people left their native land in order not to be repressed or put into prison or killed; the most dissatisfied people organized revolts and uprisings (Semipalatinsk, Suzak, Syr-Darya, Almaty, Western Kazakhstan)

№12 слайд
. Social-political life in
Содержание слайда: . Social-political life in 30-ies in Kazakhstan Totalitarian character of socialism: Lands, factories and plants, kolkhozes became state’s property. State -bureaucratic regulation, planning, and redistribution confirmed according the new Constitution of USSR 1936, the system of one-party dictatorship. Republics hadn’t juridical initiations, workers weren’t owners of factories, peasants were alienated from lands. So socialism took totalitarian, barracks character. Political repressions were in Kazakhstan. There were constructed special reformatory camps : Karaganda reformatory-labour camp of special regime (Karlag, in Karaganda existed 25 observations for special migratory), Steplag, ALZGIR – for relatives (wives) of repressed. -Kh. Dosmukhamedov, A.Bokeikhanov, Aimayitov were the first victims of this policy. -In 1937-1938 terror took masses character. Peculiarity -persecution not only enemies of Soviet power but strugglers for communist ideas also. At that time were shot revolutionists, represents of Kazakh literature S.Seifullin, B.Maylin, I.Zhansugurov, M.Zhumabayev, K.Zhubanov, A.Asfendiarov. 101 thousand Kazakhstani people were repressed; 27 thousand of them were shot. Transformation of Kazakh Autonomy Soviet Socialistic Republic into Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. -December 5, 1936 VIII Extraordinary Congress of Soviets took new Constitution of USSR -In March 1937 was adopted Constitution of KSSR which declared that politic based on Soviets of deputes of workers; economy based on socialist system and socialist property to work tools; Kazakh SSR owned all rights for decision of political, economic and cultural problems of republic.

№13 слайд
CONCLUSION So, to -ies,
Содержание слайда: CONCLUSION So, to 40-ies, Kazakh people went to territorial autonomy, run through difficult and contradictions; Industry quickly had been developed; changed social structure of population, there were successes in education and culture but Kazakh SSR became one of depended on Centre Republic; In country confirmed totalitarian barracks socialism and Kazakhs paid expensive for these achievements.

№14 слайд
Control questions Remember
Содержание слайда: Control questions Remember the historical terms and notions

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