Презентация Kazakhstan on the way to Independence: the phase of development and nationbuilding ideas онлайн

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Презентации » Экономика и Финансы » Kazakhstan on the way to Independence: the phase of development and nationbuilding ideas

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Содержание слайда: HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN lecture #01: Introduction Kazakhstan on the way to Independence: the phase of development and nation-building ideas Zulfiya Abdikhalikovna Meldibekova historian scientist

№2 слайд
History of Ancient Kazakhstan
Содержание слайда: History of Ancient Kazakhstan History of Ancient Kazakhstan History of Medieval Kazakhstan New History of Kazakhstan 4. Newest History

№3 слайд
Stone Age Stone Age
Содержание слайда: Stone Age: Stone Age: Paleolithic period, Mesolithic, Neolithic Bronze Age: Andronov’s and Begazy-Dandybaev’s cultures Metal (Iron) Age: Sacks, other Tribal Unions

№4 слайд
Early medieval history - cc
Содержание слайда: Early medieval history (6-9 cc): Early medieval history (6-9 cc): Turkic period- Khaganates Prosperity or Golden age (10-14cc): Mongolian invasion, history of post-Mongolian period, foundation of Hordes Late-medieval period(15-18cc): formation of Kazakh Khandom, Kazakh Khans, Dzungar’s invasions

№5 слайд
Joining of Kazakhstan to
Содержание слайда: Joining of Kazakhstan to Russia, colonial policy of Tsarist on the territory of Kazakhstan Joining of Kazakhstan to Russia, colonial policy of Tsarist on the territory of Kazakhstan National – liberation movements against Russian policy Administrative reforms

№6 слайд
Soviet period in history of
Содержание слайда: Soviet period in history of Kazakhstan: Soviet period in history of Kazakhstan: revolutions, policy of Soviet power, II WW, post-war period, stagnation, perestroika or reconstruction, collapse of USSR Independent Kazakhstan

№7 слайд
Economic Economic . The
Содержание слайда: Economic: Economic: 1. The development of local industry 2. The development of fisheries (fishing, salt extraction) 3. The development of the mining industry       (Non-ferrous metals, Coal) 4. extension trade with Middle Asian Khanate,Siberia, China 5. The appearance of new cities: Petropavlovsk (Kyzylzhar), Akmolinsk, Uralsk (Teke),Semipalatinsk (Semey), Buhtarma (Buktyrma),Orenburg(Orynbor) Omsk (Omby)

№8 слайд
Содержание слайда: POLITICAL: POLITICAL: 1. The adaptation to the needs of the economy of Kazakhstan for Economic Development of the Russian Empire. 2. The participation of Kazakhs in the peasant war pp Pugachev. 3. Rise of Syrym Datov 4. The weakness of the Khan's power, its anti-people policies. Khan's power does not provide for the royal policy. 5. The political fragmentation of the Middle and Junior Zhuzes 6. The emergence of opposition, opposed the colonial policy (Karatay in Sultan Junior Zhuz) 7. Notes the process of increasing political dependence on Russia to Kazakh zhuzes

№9 слайд
Social Social Changing social
Содержание слайда: Social Social Changing social structure (public sentiment), ie a set of classes and social groups: Kazakhs worked in the mining industry Kazakhs worked in small industries Zhataki, they increased from 6.5 thousand (1820.) - 8.4 thousand (1824).(Othodniki- seasonal workers). Kazakhs are involved in agriculture.  Kazakhs protecting transit caravan routes.

№10 слайд
Содержание слайда: 1731 1731

№11 слайд
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№12 слайд
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№13 слайд
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№14 слайд
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№15 слайд
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№16 слайд
Содержание слайда: THE OBJECTIVES OF THE RESETTLEMENT POLICY THE OBJECTIVES OF THE RESETTLEMENT POLICY Loosen amplified in the central regions of Russian peasant unrest Provide the remaining peasants without land by fertile plots in remote regions Increase the number of displaced people in remote regions, to grow in their environment rich kulaks, ready to stand up for the interests of the Empire

№17 слайд
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№18 слайд
Accelerate the process of
Содержание слайда: Accelerate the process of penetration of capitalist relations in the economic life of the region. Formed commodity production; Accelerate the process of penetration of capitalist relations in the economic life of the region. Formed commodity production; Appears private ownership of land, spread a sedentary life in the village; In the northern regions of Kazakhstan, where a crowded emigrant flow was directed, becomes dominant farming; Accelerate the social stratification of the Kazakh Shaura. Part Shaura who settled near the cities or Russian settlements, began to get involved in the market; Democrats commoners, exiled to Kazakhstan, have played a huge role in the study region, the formation of world scientists, educators of the masses of the Kazakh population

№19 слайд
Between locals and settlers
Содержание слайда: Between locals and settlers occurred exchange of skills and abilities of farming in the steppe, desert and arid regions. At the same time the tsarist resettlement policy has led to a drastic restriction of the rights of indigenous peoples: Between locals and settlers occurred exchange of skills and abilities of farming in the steppe, desert and arid regions. At the same time the tsarist resettlement policy has led to a drastic restriction of the rights of indigenous peoples: Kazakhs were removed and transferred to the use of displaced millions of dessiatines of the best land • intensified the colonial policy of the tsarist • Limit the spread of Islam in the Kazakh steppes gradually, but the share of the non-indigenous population in the region has steadily increased • The number of social conflicts increased significantly on an ethnic basis

№20 слайд
Humanity exists more ,
Содержание слайда: Humanity exists more 2,5 million years; Humanity exists more 2,5 million years; Humanity develops from primitive herd to form of STATE; THE FIRST STATES ON THE TERRITORY OF KAZAKHSTAN APPEARED IN 5 CENTURY KAZAKH KHANATE FORMED IN 1465-1466 KAZAKH KHANDOM LOST INDEPENDENCE IN 18 CENTURY IN xx CENTURY WAS DECLARED SOVIET POWER ON THE TERRITORY OF KAZAKHSTAN

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