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Презентации » Экономика и Финансы » United States and Japan. Security and Economic Relations

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
United States and Japan
Содержание слайда: United States and Japan Security and Economic Relations

№2 слайд
Outline Security relationship
Содержание слайда: Outline Security relationship security treaty divergent considerations current issues Economic relationship economic concerns trade issues

№3 слайд
U.S. Occupation of Japan
Содержание слайда: U.S. Occupation of Japan August 1945 - April 1952 Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP) - General Douglas MacArthur General peace treaty in San Francisco in September 1951 China and Soviet Union were excluded formally ended the Occupation in 1952

№4 слайд
U.S.-Japan Alliance One of
Содержание слайда: U.S.-Japan Alliance One of the most important components of U.S. security policy in Asia-Pacific region Bilateral versus multilateral security arrangement Japan’s only security relationship

№5 слайд
U.S.-Japan Alliance
Содержание слайда: U.S.-Japan Alliance Historically unique alliance: Bilateral alliance between the victor and the vanquished in a major war Disparate historical & cultural background Without a substantive military structure Survived more than four decades thanks to the Cold War

№6 слайд
U.S.-Japan Security Treaty
Содержание слайда: U.S.-Japan Security Treaty U.S.-Japan Mutual Security Treaty (1951) U.S. troops and military base in Japan for regional security against external military attacks against internal riots did not automatically oblige U.S. to protect Japan function instead of obligation

№7 слайд
U.S.-Japan Security Treaty
Содержание слайда: U.S.-Japan Security Treaty Revision in 1960 removed ``internal riots” clause U.S. seek Japan’s approval to re-deploy USFJ unclear whether Tokyo has veto power Less automatic than NATO mechanism Wider in scope than US-ROK alliance ``Far East” clause

№8 слайд
U.S.-Japan Alliance
Содержание слайда: U.S.-Japan Alliance Guidelines for U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation in 1978 and 1997 grant U.S. military greater use of Japanese installations in times of crisis possible, limited Japanese military role in ``situations in areas surrounding Japan” Korea Taiwan Strait (?)

№9 слайд
Divergent Considerations U.S.
Содержание слайда: Divergent Considerations U.S.’s overall global strategy containment of Soviet Union during Cold War stability and peace in Pacific Asia direct attack on Japan least likely scenario

№10 слайд
Divergent Considerations
Содержание слайда: Divergent Considerations Japan’s concerns defense of Japan economic growth U.S. tendency toward unilateralism

№11 слайд
Current Issues Burden sharing
Содержание слайда: Current Issues Burden sharing About 50,000 U.S. troops in Japan Japan provides $2.5 billion annually about 3/4 of total cost of stationing troops

№12 слайд
Current Issues U.S. Bases on
Содержание слайда: Current Issues U.S. Bases on Okinawa 29,000 U.S. military personnel public protests reduction of bases and land

№13 слайд
International Pressures U.S.
Содержание слайда: International Pressures U.S. demand burden-sharing economic sanctions Asian neighbors welcome Japan’s economic & financial leadership wary of Japan’s role in security issues

№14 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№15 слайд
Economic Influence Japan s
Содержание слайда: Economic Influence Japan’s economic position is not matched by political influence third largest economy in the world model of development emulated by others ``flying geese” pattern Limited success in turning economic power into political influence Official Development Assistance

№16 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№17 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№18 слайд
International Organizations
Содержание слайда: International Organizations Japan increased role in IMF Japan gained No. 2 voting weight in 1980s World Bank Japan gained No. 2 voting weight in 1980s United Nations attempt at permanent membership in Security Council

№19 слайд
Failure of a Proposal Asian
Содержание слайда: Failure of a Proposal Asian financial crisis (1997-1998) Japan proposed a regional monetary fund Asian Monetary Fund (AMF) exclude U.S. less neo-liberal economic agenda Opposed and rejected by U.S., some Asian economies, and IMF

№20 слайд
Japan s Dilemma Domestic
Содержание слайда: Japan’s Dilemma Domestic political debates Leftists’ opposition to military involvement ``Peace Clause” in the Constitution Conservatives’ nationalistic agenda Japan’s military involvement overseas visit Yasukuni Shrine (which honors Class A war criminals of World War II)

№21 слайд
Japan s Contributions
Содержание слайда: Japan’s Contributions Economic strategies are financially and politically less costly First Gulf War of 1991 Japan contributed $10.8 billion Anti-terrorist campaign in 2002 Japan hosted an Afghan aid conference Japan pledged large scale aid to the reconstruction of Afghanistan

№22 слайд
US-Japan Economic Issues The
Содержание слайда: US-Japan Economic Issues The world’s two largest economies US+Japan produce nearly 30% of world GDP mutual economic relations impact the world Japan is the United States’ 4th largest merchandise export market Japan is the United States’ 4th largest merchandise import source

№23 слайд
U.S. concerns over Japan
Содержание слайда: U.S. concerns over Japan Japan’s economic recession depreciation of yen U.S. exports to Japan more expensive U.S. imports from Japan cheaper U.S.-Japan trade disputes U.S. trade deficit with Japan U.S. and Japan trade barriers

№24 слайд
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№25 слайд
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№26 слайд
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№27 слайд
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