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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Fast food outlets should be
Содержание слайда: Fast food outlets should be closed

№2 слайд
Подготовительный этап
Содержание слайда: Подготовительный этап 1) Выделяем ключевые слова в задании 2) Определяем две противоположные позиции (позиция автора и позиция оппонента) В задании уже одна позиция нам дана. Вторую просто ей противопоставляем 3) Продумайте два вопроса, ответы на которых помогут привести аргументы и доказать позицию 4) Обозначьте границы, за рамки которых мы не можем выйти и держать мысли в теме. 5) составьте небольшой список синонимов для ключевых слов

№3 слайд
Fast food outlets should be
Содержание слайда: Fast food outlets should be closed Fast food chains Fast food companies Fast food restaurants Fast food places Fast food diners

№4 слайд
Fast food outlets should be
Содержание слайда: Fast food outlets should be closed Позиции или точки зрения должны быть противоположными Первая позиция Fast food restaurants should be closed Вторая позиция Fast food outlets should not be closed Какую позицию выбирает автор или оппонент, разницы нет Как можно легко уйти в другую тему: когда мы начинаем писать о пользе и вреде fast food, о здоровом и нездоровом питании Проблема : закрытие Fast food outlets Задача: доказать, почему они должны быть закрыты (или же почему их закрывать не следует)

№5 слайд
Введение Вводное предложение
Содержание слайда: Введение Вводное предложение (перифраз – 2-3 синонима или поменять грамматическую конструкцию) – вы показываете, что вы понимаете тему Заявляете о существовании двух позиций (вы показываете проблемный характер)   Opinion is divided as to whether fast food chains should be abandoned. (перифраз лексический ) Some people claim that it is necessary to close places that sell junk food while others do not support them. 32

№6 слайд
Some facts about fast food
Содержание слайда: Some facts about fast food places and fast food products

№7 слайд
Мнение автора In my opinion,
Содержание слайда: Мнение автора In my opinion, fast food outlets are undoubtedly to be closed. (позиция заявлена уже в задании) Аргументы Firstly, fast food products are proved to be rather dangerous because of their fatal ingredients such as trans fats, sodium and meat-based carcinogens. Secondly, regions high in fast food restaurant are linked to a greater risk of cardiovascular health problems and obesity. Thirdly, eating too much junk food also affects concentration and brain performance.   All the evidence points to their harmful actions for the health of their customers and the health of the globe in general . (эта фраза может быть вырезана из работы, если текст превышает 250 слов) 119

№8 слайд
Мнение оппонента However,
Содержание слайда: Мнение оппонента However, there are people who do not support the idea of closing fast food companies. They are certain that their products are not detrimental and find it cheap and convenient to be a fast food diner. For instance, during a holiday season ,when everyone is in a mad dash to complete their shopping lists, fast food is an easily accessible option. 178 Опровергаем мнение оппонента Despite my respect for the view stated above, I cannot share it. I still believe that it would be better to close fast food restaurants that market every country. Many consumers do not realize the obvious financial danger for frequent customers. There are also some facts about unsanitary cooking conditions and improperly cooked food that lead to food poisoning. 235

№9 слайд
Заключение Finally, I would
Содержание слайда: Заключение Finally, I would like to emphasize people are better to opt for closing fast food outlets. 251 words

№10 слайд
Opinion is divided as to
Содержание слайда: Opinion is divided as to whether fast food chains should be abandoned. Some people claim that it is necessary to close places that sell junk food while others do not support them. In my opinion, fast food outlets are undoubtedly to be closed. Firstly, fast food products are proved to be rather dangerous because of their fatal ingredients such as trans fats, sodium and meat-based carcinogens. Secondly, regions high in fast food restaurant are linked to a greater risk of cardiovascular health problems and obesity. Thirdly, eating too much junk food also affects concentration and brain performance.  All the evidence points to their harmful actions for the health of their customers and the health of the globe in general. However, there are people who do not support the idea of closing fast food companies. They are certain that their products are not detrimental and find it cheap and convenient to be a fast food diner. For instance, during a holiday season ,when everyone is in a mad dash to complete their shopping lists, fast food is an easily accessible option. Despite my respect for the view stated above, I cannot share it. I still believe that it would be better to close fast food restaurants . Many consumers do not realize the obvious financial danger for frequent customers. There are also some facts about unsanitary cooking conditions and improperly cooked food that lead to food poisoning. Finally, I would like to emphasize people are better to opt for closing fast food outlets.

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