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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Solutions. Acid base
Содержание слайда: Solutions. Acid–base equilibrium in biological systems

№2 слайд
Plan . Solutions and their
Содержание слайда: Plan 0. Solutions and their colligative properties 1. The theory of electrolytic dissociation. Dissociation of bases, acides and salts in water solutions.Strong and weak electrolytes 2. Protolytic theory. 3. Dissociation of water. Hydrogen ion exponent. The homeostasis. 4. The importancy of pH maintenance in human body. 5. The concept of buffer solutions. 6. Hydrocarbonate buffer system 7. Phosphate buffer system 8. Protein buffer systems 9. Hemoglobin buffer system 10. Acidosis and alkalosis. Treatment of acidosis and alkalosis.

№3 слайд
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№4 слайд
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№18 слайд
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№19 слайд
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№20 слайд
The theory of electrolytic
Содержание слайда: The theory of electrolytic dissociation

№21 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№22 слайд
Electrolytic dissociation
Содержание слайда: Electrolytic dissociation – process of decomposition of solutes in the solvent into ions.

№23 слайд
Substances dissociating in
Содержание слайда: 1)                Substances dissociating in solutions or melts into positively charged Cat+(cations) and negatively charged An- (anions). The latter include acids, bases and salts. 2)                In electric field Cat+ move to cathode, An- move to anode. 3)                Electrolytes decompose into ions in different degree. 4)                Dissociation depend of: a)     nature of electrolyte; b)    nature of solvent; c)    concentration; d)    temperature.

№24 слайд
Dissociation of bases, acides
Содержание слайда: Dissociation of bases, acides and salts in water solutions

№25 слайд
Acides are compounds
Содержание слайда: Acides are compounds dissociating in aqueous solutions with the formation of positive ions of one species – hydrogen ions. HCl→H+ + Cl- Bases are compounds dissociating in aqueous solutions with the formation of negative ions of one species – hydroxide ions OH-. Ca(OH)2→Ca2++ 2OH- Medium salts dissociate to form metal cations and anion of acid radical.

№26 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№27 слайд
Degree of dissociation Ni -
Содержание слайда: Degree of dissociation α Ni - the number of molecules, dissociating into ions; Ntot – the total number of dissolved molecules.

№28 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№29 слайд
Strong electrolytes Majority
Содержание слайда: Strong electrolytes Majority of salts. Some acids (HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, HClO4, H2SO4). Alkalis (LiOH, NaOH, KOH, RbOH, CsOH, Ca(OH)2 , Sr(OH)2, Ba(OH)2)

№30 слайд
Weak electrolytes Majority of
Содержание слайда: Weak electrolytes Majority of acids and bases (H2S, H2CO3, Al(OH)3, NH4OH).

№31 слайд
The dissociation of weak
Содержание слайда: The dissociation of weak electrolytes is a reversible process CatAn Cat+ + An-

№32 слайд
The equilibrium constant K is
Содержание слайда: The equilibrium constant K is called the dissociation (ionization) constant

№33 слайд
Ostwald dilution law
Содержание слайда: Ostwald dilution law

№34 слайд
Acidity and basicity
Содержание слайда: Acidity and basicity constants The dissociation constants of acids and bases, respectively called acidity constants (KA) and major (KB). Product constant acidity and basicity constants, with the acid conjugate base is the ion product of water:

№35 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№36 слайд
Dissociation of water H O H
Содержание слайда: Dissociation of water H2O H+ + OH-

№37 слайд
Kw is constant, ion product
Содержание слайда: Kw is constant, ion product of water.

№38 слайд
Hydrogen ion exponent pH -lg H
Содержание слайда: Hydrogen ion exponent pH= -lg [H+]

№39 слайд
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№40 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№41 слайд
Protolytic theory Danish
Содержание слайда: Protolytic theory Danish physicist and chemist Johannes Brønsted and the English chemist Thomas Lowry in 1928-1929 was offered Protolytic (protonic) theory of acids and bases, according to which:

№42 слайд
Base - a substance particle
Содержание слайда: Base - a substance (particle) that can attach proton (i.e. base - proton acceptor). Acid- a substance (particle) that can donate proton (i.e. acid – proton donor) In the general form:

№43 слайд
Salt - the reaction product
Содержание слайда: Salt - the reaction product of acid and base Example:

№44 слайд
The homeostasis. The
Содержание слайда: The homeostasis. The importancy of pH maintenance in human body The human body has mechanisms of coordination of physiological and biochemical processes proceeding inside it and maintenance constancy of internal medium (optimal value of pH, levels of different substances, temperature, blood preassure). This coordination and mantanance are called homeostasis.

№45 слайд
The constancy of hydrogen
Содержание слайда: The constancy of hydrogen ions concentration is one of important constant of internal medium of organism, because: 1) Hydrogen ions have catalytic effect on many biochemical processes; 2)Enzymes and hormones exhibit biological activity only at a specific range of pH values; 3)Small changes of pH in blood and interstitial fluids affect the value of the osmotic pressure in this fluids.

№46 слайд
pH values of different
Содержание слайда: pH values of different biological fluids and tissues of the human body

№47 слайд
The concept of buffer
Содержание слайда: The concept of buffer solutions Buffer solutions are solutions that resist change in hydrogen ion and the hydroxide ion concentration (and consequently pH) upon addition of small amounts of acid or base, or upon dilution.

№48 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№49 слайд
The resistive action is the
Содержание слайда: The resistive action is the result of the equilibrium between the weak acid (HA) and its conjugate base (A−): H+(aq) + A−(aq) → HA(aq) OH-(aq) + HA(aq) → A−(aq) +H2O(l)

№50 слайд
Henderson-Hasselbah equation
Содержание слайда: Henderson-Hasselbah equation

№51 слайд
Buffer capacity Buffer
Содержание слайда: Buffer capacity Buffer capacity (B) - the number of moles of equivalents of strong acid or alkali to be added to 1 liter of buffer solution to shift the pH unit Вac.= Вbas.=

№52 слайд
Buffer capacity Buffer
Содержание слайда: Buffer capacity Buffer capacity is maximal at a ratio of acid salt 1:1 => pH = pK. Good – at [pK+0.5, pK-0.5] Sufficient – at [pK+1, pK-1] The higher the concentration of the solution, the greater the buffer capacity. The concentration of acid and salt in the buffer solutions usually about 0.05-0.20 M.

№53 слайд
The relative contribution
Содержание слайда: The relative contribution%   buffer systems in the blood to maintain homeostasis it protolytic Buffer systems plasma Hydrogen carbonate 35% Protein 7% Hydrogen phosphate 1% TOTAL 43% Buffer systems erythrocytes Hemoglobin 35% Hydrogen carbonate 18% Hydrogen phosphate 4%

№54 слайд
Hydrocarbonate buffer system
Содержание слайда: Hydrocarbonate buffer system HCO3- +H+ H2CO3 H2CO3+OH- HCO3-+ H2O CO2+ H2O H2CO3

№55 слайд
pKa H CO . pKa H CO . pH of a
Содержание слайда: pKa1(H2CO3)=6.1 pKa1(H2CO3)=6.1 pH of a blood plasma = 7.4

№56 слайд
Alkaline reserve HCO - H H CO
Содержание слайда: Alkaline reserve HCO3-+ H+ H2CO3 CO2+ H2O

№57 слайд
Phosphate buffer system HPO -
Содержание слайда: Phosphate buffer system HPO42-+H+ H2PO4- H2PO4-+OH- HPO42-+H2O

№58 слайд
The mechanism of action of
Содержание слайда: The mechanism of action of phosphate buffer: 1. acid addition 2 Na++HPO42–+H++Cl - NaH2PO4+Na++Cl - 2. adding alkali : NaH2PO4 + NaOH  Na2HPO4 + H2O Excess hydrogen phosphate monobasic and removed through the kidneys. Full recovery of relations in the buffer occurs only 2-3 days.

№59 слайд
pKa H PO - . pH of a blood
Содержание слайда: pKa(H2PO4-)=6.8 pH of a blood plasma = 7.4

№60 слайд
Protein buffer systems The
Содержание слайда: Protein buffer systems The plasma proteins (albumins, globulins) are less important than the hemoglobin for maintenance of pH.

№61 слайд
PROTEIN acid-base buffer
Содержание слайда: PROTEIN acid-base buffer system

№62 слайд
Hemoglobin buffer system
Содержание слайда: Hemoglobin buffer system

№63 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№64 слайд
Hemoglobin acid-base buffer
Содержание слайда: Hemoglobin acid-base buffer system BLOOD

№65 слайд
Binding of hydrogen cations
Содержание слайда: Binding of hydrogen cations imidazole groups of hemoglobin.

№66 слайд
Hemoglobin buffer system HHb
Содержание слайда: Hemoglobin buffer system HHb + O2 HHbO2 Hemoglobin is a weaker acid (pKa HHb = 8.2) than oxyhemoglobin (pKa HHbO2 = 6.95). Therefore Hb- ions being anions of weaker acid are capable stronger to bind H+ ions than HbO2- ions. Undissociated molecules HHbO2 lose O2 easier than the ions HbO2-

№67 слайд
a the hemoglobin buffer
Содержание слайда: a) the hemoglobin buffer system: HHb H+ + Hb-; b) the buffer system formed by oxyhemoglobin: HHbO2 H+ + HbO2-.

№68 слайд
In erythrocytes HHbO HHb O
Содержание слайда: In erythrocytes: HHbO2 HHb + O2 (1) HHbO2 H+ + HbO2- (2) HbO2- Hb- + O2 (3)

№69 слайд
In vessels of tissues
Содержание слайда: In vessels of tissues

№70 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№71 слайд
In vessels of tissues CO H O
Содержание слайда: In vessels of tissues CO2+ H2O H2CO3 HbO2-+ H2CO3 HHbO2 + HCO3- HHbO2 HHb + O2

№72 слайд
In lungs
Содержание слайда: In lungs

№73 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№74 слайд
In lungs HHb O HHbO HHbO HCO
Содержание слайда: In lungs HHb + O2 HHbO2 HHbO2+ HCO3- HbO2-+ H2CO3 H2CO3 CO2+ H2O

№75 слайд
Acidosis and alkalosis
Содержание слайда: Acidosis and alkalosis

№76 слайд
Literature .Medical Chemistry
Содержание слайда: Literature 1. Medical Chemistry : textbook / V. A. Kalibabchuk [and al.] ; ed. by V. A. Kalibabchuk. - K. : Medicine, 2010. 2.http://www.chemeurope.com/en/encyclopedia/Buffer_solution.html

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