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Презентации » Экономика и Финансы » The costs of production. Income from factors of production

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
The costs of production.
Содержание слайда: The costs of production. Income from factors of production Sws

№2 слайд
Содержание слайда: Content

№3 слайд
Economic Costs The payment
Содержание слайда: Economic Costs The payment that must be made to obtain and retain the services of a resource Explicit Costs Monetary payments Implicit Costs Value of next best use Self-owned resources Includes normal profit

№4 слайд
Accounting Profit and Normal
Содержание слайда: Accounting Profit and Normal Profit Accounting profit = Revenue – Explicit Costs Economic profit = Accounting Profit – Implicit Costs Economic profit (to summarize) =Total Revenue – Economic Costs =Total Revenue – Explicit Costs – Implicit Costs

№5 слайд
Economic Profit
Содержание слайда: Economic Profit

№6 слайд
Short Run and Long Run Short
Содержание слайда: Short Run and Long Run Short Run Some variable inputs Fixed plant Long Run All inputs are variable Variable plant Firms enter and exit

№7 слайд
The Law of Diminishing Returns
Содержание слайда: The Law of Diminishing Returns

№8 слайд
Short-Run Production
Содержание слайда: Short-Run Production Relationships Total Product (TP) Marginal Product (MP) Average Product (AP)

№9 слайд
Short-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Short-Run Production Costs Fixed Costs (TFC) Costs do not vary with output Variable Costs (TVC) Costs vary with output Total Costs (TC) Sum of TFC and TVC TC = TFC + TVC

№10 слайд
Short-Run Production Costs
Содержание слайда: Short-Run Production Costs

№11 слайд
Long-Run Production Costs The
Содержание слайда: Long-Run Production Costs The firm can change all input amounts, including plant size. All costs are variable in the long run. Long run ATC Different short run ATCs

№12 слайд
The Long-Run Cost Curve
Содержание слайда: The Long-Run Cost Curve

№13 слайд
Per-Unit, or Average, Costs
Содержание слайда: Per-Unit, or Average, Costs Average Fixed Costs AFC = TFC/Q Average Variable Costs AVC = TVC/Q Average Total Costs ATC = TC/Q Marginal Costs MC = ΔTC/ΔQ

№14 слайд
Per-Unit, or Average, Costs
Содержание слайда: Per-Unit, or Average, Costs

№15 слайд
Economies and Diseconomies of
Содержание слайда: Economies and Diseconomies of Scale Economies of scale Labor specialization Managerial specialization Efficient capital Other factors Constant returns to scale

№16 слайд
Economies and Diseconomies of
Содержание слайда: Economies and Diseconomies of Scale Diseconomies of scale Control and coordination problems Communication problems Worker alienation Shirking

№17 слайд
Conclusion The costs related
Содержание слайда: Conclusion The costs related to making or acquiring goods and services that directly generates revenue for a firm. It comprises of direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs are those that are traceable to the creation of a product and include costs for materials and labor whereas indirect costs refer to those costs that cannot be traced to the product such as overhead.

№18 слайд
Reference Donald F. Gordon,
Содержание слайда: Reference Donald F. Gordon, "What was the Labor Theory of Value" The basis of economic theory Arthur V. Kozneyev, "The book for economic leader"

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