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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
The Military and Politics
Содержание слайда: The Military and Politics Based on Andrew Haywood text

№2 слайд
The Military Monopoly of
Содержание слайда: The Military 1) Monopoly of weaponry and coercive power 2) highly organized and disciplined 3) distinctive culture and set of values 4) armed forces are “above” politics

№3 слайд
The role played by the
Содержание слайда: The role played by the military An instrument of war Offense vs defense balance Militarist regimes: Nazi Militarism – refers to the achievement of ends by the use of military force. 2) It is a cultural and ideological phenomenon in which military priorities, ideals and values come to pervade larger society (glorification of armed forces, the recognition of war as a legitimate instrument of policy, a heightened sense of national patriotism, etc.)

№4 слайд
The Military A guarantee of
Содержание слайда: The Military A guarantee of political stability and order The military can serve as An emergency services in the event of natural and other disasters Used to police domestic civil riots or disputes 1989 in Novy Uzen (Zhana Ozen) “Vityaz” - a special military unit (1000-2000) was sent from Moscow to suppress the conflict; military tanks, helicopters, and other military technique were used Thus the dilemma: the use of the military as a public instrument to serve national interests or as a political weapon to further that goals of the government

№5 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№6 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№7 слайд
The Military An interest
Содержание слайда: The Military An interest group The military (like bureaucracy) can act as interests groups that seek to shape or influence the content of policy itself. The Cold War was sustained by the vested interests of the US and Soviet military

№8 слайд
The Military An alternative
Содержание слайда: The Military An alternative to civilian rule Military Junta – a group of military officers who hold political power The feature of the military rule is that members of the armed forces displace civilian politicians filling the leading posts in government on the basis of the person’s position within the military chain of command.

№9 слайд
The Military Military Junta
Содержание слайда: The Military Military Junta is a form of collective military government centered on a command council of officers whose members usually represent the three services (the army, navy, and air force) Sometimes the military rule can have one dictator – General Pinochet in Chile, Colonel Papandopoulos in Greece (1974-1980)

№10 слайд
Содержание слайда:

№11 слайд
Control the military The
Содержание слайда: Control the military 1) The military is subordinate to civilian leaders. In the USA or KZ– the president is a commander in chief of the military forces; The liberal model of civil-military relations vs the penetration model where the military is controlled by the subjective methods that bind it to the civilian leadership, the process of politicization Policy making is the responsibility of civil politicians Strict political neutrality within the armed forces

№12 слайд
When does the military seize
Содержание слайда: When does the military seize the power? A military coup-d’etat – is a sudden and forcible seizure of power through illegal and unconstitutional action They are carried by relatively small groups They replace the government or ruling group without changing the regime or brining about broader social change (as in case with revolutions) Ex: Latin America, Spain, Africa, parts of Asia

№13 слайд
Military Coups The military
Содержание слайда: Military Coups The military coups usually happen under the following conditions Economic backwardness Loss of legitimacy by civil rulers (Nigeria) Conflict between the military and the government A favorable international context (US support of Pinochet)

№14 слайд
History of Military coup d
Содержание слайда: History of Military coup d'états in Turkey 1960 - Young military officers take charge against Democratic Party 1971 - Military coup on the economy; an event known as the "coup by memorandum" 1980 - Military coup between right- and left-wing groups. 1997 - Military coup during Islamic Welfare Party government2012 - Coup conspiracy A Turkish court cleared 236 military suspects who had been accused of plotting to remove Erdogan when he was prime minister in 2003. 2016 - Coup fails

№15 слайд
The Police and Politics The
Содержание слайда: The Police and Politics The purpose of the police is to maintain domestic order Three contrasting approaches to the nature of policing and the role that it plays in society The liberal perspective The conservative perspective The radical perspective

№16 слайд
The Police and Politics The
Содержание слайда: The Police and Politics The liberal perspective – the police’s role is to preserve the authority of the state and ensure that its jurisdiction penetrates the community The conservative – the police is viewed as tools of oppression that act in the interest of the state rather than the people and serves elites rather than the masses

№17 слайд
The Police and Politics The
Содержание слайда: The Police and Politics The liberal perspectives treats the police as a neutral body, the purpose of which is to maintain domestic order through the protection of individual rights and liberties Two ways the government sues the police: Civil policing – the enforcement of the criminal law Political policing- the use of the police as a political rather than a civil instrument (control strikes, demonstrations, civil unrest, terrorism, etc.)

№18 слайд
Police state The term Police
Содержание слайда: Police state The term Police State refers to a form of rule in which the liberal balance between police powers and civil liberties has been abandoned, allowing a system of arbitrary and indiscriminate policing to develop. The police acts as a private army that is controlled by and acts in the interests of a ruling elite. (The NKVD,then KGB , Stasi)

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