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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд
Practical work Introduction
Содержание слайда: Practical work 2 Introduction to computer systems. Architecture of computer systems

№2 слайд
Purpose Architecture and
Содержание слайда: Purpose Architecture and components of computer systems Use of computer systems Data presentation in computer systems

№3 слайд
Vocabulary Motherboard
Содержание слайда: Vocabulary Motherboard speakers Hard Disk Drive system unit system Fan keyboard Floppy Power supply Heat Sink Central Processing Unit speed amount of memory Random Access Memory capacity Cloud Storage graphics processing units Sound card network card touchpad stylus earphones Dot matrix printer Inkjet printer Cathode Rey Tube (CRT) Liquid Cristal Display (LCD)

№4 слайд
The computer consists of The
Содержание слайда: The computer consists of: The computer consists of: hardware – physical computer parts, palpable and visible software – set of commands that are "understandable" to the computer; instructions to its palpable parts, giving orders what to do

№5 слайд
Basic Concepts of Computer
Содержание слайда: Basic Concepts of Computer hardware Programs and data are stored in the same memory: primary memory. The computer can only perform one instruction at a time. CPU (Central Processing Unit) Input Units Output Units Primary Memory

№6 слайд
CPU includes Arithmetic logic
Содержание слайда: CPU includes Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and control unit (CU)/ Процессор включает Арифметико-логическое устройство (Алу) и устройство управления (Cu) • Arithmetic Logic Unit: All calculations and comparisons, based on the instructions provided, are carried out within the ALU. It performs arithmetic functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and also logical operations like greater than, less than and equal to etc. • Control Unit: Controlling of all operations like input, processing and output are performed by control unit. It takes care of step by step processing of all operations in side the computer.

№7 слайд
Personal computer and
Содержание слайда: Personal computer and peripherals

№8 слайд
Computer hardware
Содержание слайда: Computer hardware

№9 слайд
The system unit consists of
Содержание слайда: The system unit consists of the following components: 1. Motherboard - MBO a computer "backbone" responsible for communication between components and transmission of information

№10 слайд
. Central Processing Unit -
Содержание слайда: 2. Central Processing Unit - CPU 2. Central Processing Unit - CPU functions: command execution, data transmission, computer function control basic characteristics: • speed (in Mega Hertz (MHz), Giga Hertz (GHz)) • amount of memory (Cache in Bytes) CPUs use enormous amounts of electrical power relative to their size, which in turns requires that they be cooled by large fans or liquid cooling system. The fans are the source of noise when the computer is turned on - the operation of the chips is silent. Процессоры потребляют огромные объемы электроэнергии относительно их размера, что в свою очередь требует, чтобы они были охлаждается большими вентиляторами или системой жидкостного охлаждения. Вентиляторы являются источником шума при включении компьютера - работа чипов молчит.

№11 слайд
The system unit consists of
Содержание слайда: The system unit consists of the following components: 3. Random Access Memory - RAM a memory container for programs that are currently running and data that is being processed basic characteristics: speed (in MHz, GHz) capacity (in Bytes)

№12 слайд
. Permanent memory .
Содержание слайда: 4. Permanent memory: 4. Permanent memory: Hard Disk Drive - HDD - device (memory) used for permanent data storage data is stored on magnetic platters; electromagnetic heads are used for reading and recording data with the exception of the newest disk types called Solid State Drive (SSD) basic characteristics: disk platters rotation speed (in RPM) capacity (in GB)

№13 слайд
Floppy Disk Drive - FDD
Содержание слайда: Floppy Disk Drive - FDD Floppy Disk Drive - FDD

№14 слайд
The system unit consists of
Содержание слайда: The system unit consists of the following components: 5. graphics processing units (GPU) function: processing and displaying image on the monitor it consists of a graphics processor and its own working RAM memory basic characteristics: • type of graphics processing units (ATI Radeon, Nvidia GeForce, or other) • RAM size • connection interface/slot type

№15 слайд
Power supply A power supply
Содержание слайда: Power supply A power supply is an electronic device that supplies electric energy to an electrical load.  Компьютерный блок питания (или, сокращенно, блок питания, БП) — вторичный источник электропитания, предназначенный для снабжения узлов компьютера электроэнергией постоянного тока путём преобразования сетевого напряжения до требуемых значений.

№16 слайд
The network card has two
Содержание слайда: The network card has two different functions; taking in wireless networks and taking in wired networks. The network card has two different functions; taking in wireless networks and taking in wired networks.

№17 слайд
Input and output devices
Содержание слайда: Input and output devices

№18 слайд
Input and output devices
Содержание слайда: Input and output devices

№19 слайд
Common devices and media for
Содержание слайда: Common devices and media for storing and transferring data: hard disk USB flash drive diskette and ZIP diskette CD and DVD discs memory cards device internal hard disk external hard disk network disk drive online storage

№20 слайд
Keyboard A standard keyboard
Содержание слайда: Keyboard A standard keyboard has 102 keys. The keys are divided into alphabetical (a-z), numerical (1-0) and special (Function, Ctrl, Alt, Caps Lock , Tab etc keys). There are more special keys above the alphabetical keys; of these the function keys(please see next image) are used for different functions, depending on situation and the program currently being used. The manual for these functions is usually available in the manual for the program. To the left and right of the function keys, you will find the following additional keys: Esc (Escape), Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, Num Lock.

№21 слайд
Mouse A computer mouse is a
Содержание слайда: Mouse  A computer mouse is a pointing device (hand control) that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface.

№22 слайд
Output devices Types of
Содержание слайда: Output devices: Types of Monitor: Cathode Rey Tube(CRT) Liquid Cristal Display(LCD) Type of printer: Dot matrix printer Inkjet printer Laser printer

№23 слайд
Data presentation in computer
Содержание слайда: Data presentation in computer systems The bit is a basic unit of information in computing and digital communications. A bit can have only one of two values, and may therefore be physically implemented with a two-state device. These values are most commonly represented as either a 0 or 1. The byte is a unit of digital information that most commonly consists of eight bits.  1 Bit = 0 or 1 1 byte = 8 bits

№24 слайд
Units of information
Содержание слайда: Units of information

№25 слайд
Questions Who is the father
Содержание слайда: Questions: Who is the father of computer? What is the most common program used to read PDF files? What is the term used for the intangible set of instructions that tell the computer what to do? Which program is loaded on the very first computer? What type of software works with the operating system to help you complete specific types of work or tasks? Using a specific system computers can convert numbers, letters, and symbols into combinations of ones and zeros. What is the name for this system?

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